Or else it just another dilemma that we could not get an satisfied answer?
Back to my life. Yup, ordinary like usual.
Paid a trip to Singapore, a so-called adventure trip because we went there without prior research, Singapore is not a hard place to travel though. Happy but tired, actually I have no ideas why the trip is so tiring.
And I met the kind of taxi driver mentioned in "Taxi Tales".
For the author, taxi drivers are not simple or ordinary, they all are driving philosopher who will have their own point of views and they will always share with their passengers.
The one that I met is a philosopher who major in international relationship, particularly in the relation of Malaysia and Singapore. lol
I'm not going to deny his points which are really true, however it just kinda...swt. Just like the author, she always has her OS in heart when she's listening to the driving philosopher and so do I.
"Uncle, I know you are really nice and sharing these info with us but could you please introduce us more places to visit instead?" lol
The construction in Singapore are architectural and well-designed. Even when you stand on the middle of the road at the middle of the night, I feel that I'm secured.
It's a nice place to visit and before I entered to the cabin, my OS turned to
" I'll be back, S'pore" ;)